Picking Up

You are welcome to come to Massachusetts to pick up your new family member. When you are finalizing this choice, you will need to verbally confirm your travel plans when you are booking so that we can ensure someone is available to meet with you.

After booking, please provide us with your itinerary (if by plane) so that we can verify that you have made the appropriate arrangements. Your cat or kitten must travel in-cabin with you on your return flight home. We will provide you with the address and make arrangements for the meet up once we receive your itinerary.

In addition to the premium bags shown on the right, we also recommend the Sherpa Original Deluxe Carrier.

We recommend these bags and can provide them on request for an additional fee.

Sleepypod Carrier

Roverlund Convertible Carrier


Personal Delivery

If you chose our personal delivery option you will be hiring one of our trained staff members to travel to your location and meet you at the airport to complete the final transition training and hand off your new beloved pet.

This service includes a Sherpa Original Deluxe Carrier and a Rarity Ragdolls Welcome Home tote bag stuffed with goodies for you and your cat.

The cost of this service includes the airfare for our Cat Courier (or other transportation cost if driving or the train makes more sense) and payment for their time spent executing the delivery.

Welcome home tote