Our starting studs and dams are coming from Broadway Ragdolls, who has infused their lines with International Champion Ragdolls. We continue their history of raising happy, healthy, loving, Ragdolls in a loving home environment. Our cats are well socialized and are even dog friendly before they leave our home.
Our Studs

Sir Michael of RarityRags
Blue Bicolor
Sir Michael is a stunning blue bicolor Ragdoll from Spain. He is a gem that we have been able to add to our cattery. He comes from a line of International Champions.

Broadwayrags Sir Kurt of RarityRags
Cream Bicolor
Sir Kurt is a plush, Cream Bicolor boy who has stolen our hearts. He is an ultra rare color and produces the most lovely kittens! His superpower is that he is genetically a lilac, expressing as cream.

Ragdollsea Sir Leo of RarityRags
Fawn Colorpoint
Sir Leo, a gorgeous Fawn Colorpoint. Fawn is an ultra rare color and we are so lucky to have him as part of our cattery.
Our Dams

MilkywayRags Valentina DeRagelis of RarityRags
Chocolate Lynx Bicolor
Valentina is a stunning chocolate bicolor Ragdoll. Her first litter with us was with guest stud, Denzel Purrsington.

RagdollSea Bianca of RarityRags
Blue Eyed White (BEW)
Bianca is a rare Blue Eyed White Ragdoll. She is the only solid color Ragdoll we have, and she is so precious. We are blessed to have her.

BroadwayRags Annie Gemstone of RarityRags
Blue Cream Tortie Bicolor
Annie is and is the most beautiful blue cream tortie bicolor. She had her first litter with us with guest stud Denzel.

Txragdollkittens Miss Fantasy of RarityRags
Lilac Van/High Bicolor
Missy is a treasure, she is a Lilac Van, or High Bicolor, Ragdoll. She is all white with the exception of the top of her head and her tail.

LiliFlower Baileys For Fluffy of RarityRags
Blue Lynx Point
Baileys comes to us from the Ukraine, and is a Blue Lynx Point Ragdoll. She has ice blue eyes and the most beautiful lynx pattern.

Jazzmania Kashmir Spice of RarityRags
Blue Mitted
Kashmir is a beautiful Blue Mitted Ragdoll. She is very sweet natured and is an up and coming Dam. We expect her to be ready for her first litter in the spring of 2024.

Jazzmania Chantal Tahiti of RarityRags
Mink Blue Mitted
Chantal is a plush, fabulous, Blue Mitted Mink Ragdoll. Her beautiful blue color covers her body, but she retains the blue eyes and pointed look of the Ragdoll breed.
We hope you enjoyed a quick peek into the cattery! We are growing our family, so expect to see more lovelies added here in the future.